Focus is the path to
a life beyond your
wildest dreams

Learn a step-by-step system that guides you to create an intentional, balanced, and fulfilling life

Focus Works Man Main Image

It’s hard to stay focused when life
pulls you in so many directions.

As soon as you choose to focus on what you want, a series of distractions arise as obstacles to prevent you from getting to your destination.

As seen on

Three Systems Taught
by Certified PeopleBuilders™

A team to help you accomplish all you want to achieve in three specific areas

Lifestyle Development

Make Quarterly Choices in the Ten Life Relationship Areas

Leadership Development System

Win the Hearts of Your Performers by Mastering the Ten Domains of Leadership

Customer Development System

Ten Three-Day Workshops to Help You and Your People Double Your Revenue in Two Years

Focus requires a commitment to LIVE, to LEAD and to SELL in ways that make a difference to you and everyone you meet, one person at a time.

Are you ready to commit?

Are You Ready? Focus Works female main hero

Meet the Creator of Focus Works®

Speaker | Author | PeopleBuilder™

Rory J. Clark has taught well over 15,000+ Executives, in 200+ Organizations, on 6 Continents in 30+ Countries

You can choose to live a life of distraction where you wander through your existence like a piece of driftwood floats on the ocean, being carried about by every wave, with an uncertain destination. Or you can acknowledge that focus works, and you can join the Focus Works community, a group of people who are committed to being different, not better. You can learn from people who provide you with a rudder for living, leading, and selling so anyone can intentionally achieve more than they thought possible.

Making a difference in the lives of others is born from a decision within, and it takes wings on the wind of commitment, hard work, and sacrifice. My life is dedicated to making a difference with everyone I meet, one person at a time.

What Clients Are Saying

It’s time for your next level.

Knowledge you can use NOW.
There’s a wealth of information we are happy to share with you. Check-out the free-resources to help you grow

Be a different person

Five Minutes to Live By

Be a different leader

Five Minutes to Lead By

Be different at selling

Five Minutes to Sell By